

¡Esta página contiene juegos aplicados a la bilología!
Abarca temas desde anatomía, animales, células, bacterias, ecología, etc.
Su contenido es variado y está completamente en inglés.

* * * * * TOTALMENTE RECOMENDADO * * * * *


http://biogames.info/cells-2/cellcraft/ (Juego de la célula)

Cat chemistry joke ~mawr :3

LEVEL: Expert

DNA song (8)

Forma de la doble hélice

Las bases nitrogenadas conocidas son:
  • Adenina, presente en ADN y ARN
  • Guanina, presente en ADN y ARN
  • Citosina, presente en ADN y ARN
  • Timina, presente exclusivamente en el ADN
  • Uracilo, presente exclusivamente en el ARN

¡¡Estructura del DNA hecha con dulces!! (yummi) *

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Interactive 3D content

This is a page for interactive creating motivation through experience. Using 3D technology.
Search and try to have fun. It has to many benefits. And there's a demo that you can download as free like a demonstration.

Follow the link down below:

> http://www.navtech3d.com/

And upload the DNA content. You can see everything in 3D.

"DNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the molecule that contains the genetic code of organisms. The main role of DNA molecules is the long-term storage of information. DNA is often compared to a set of blueprints, like a recipe or a code, since it contains the instructions needed to construct other components of cells, such as proteins and RNA molecules. In this activity you will have a chance to identify the basic structures of a DNA molecule. You will also have a chance to test your memory and try to beat the clock in the labeling activity. Finally, you will be able to watch the DNA unravel and separate into single strands and then practice DNA replication, transcription and translation though a matching exercise."

[ Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1eyV6Q3g48&feature=related ]

DNA for dummies


¡Reflex a little!
Why I uploaded a video in English?
Well, the answer is easy and I'll put it in three easy points.

1. Because it's important to begin to practice the language, especially in the auditory area. I chose a video because it's easier to understand by this audiovisual medium.

2. Especially in the area of "Biological sciences and health" it requires to much vocabulary, that is necessary to begin to adapt to this scientific language.

3. And because it helps to me. It's like a kinda of practice for myself.
